1. Click the “+” button on the left hand column

No matter if it’s the first, second, or third server you’ve made, this is the place you’ll need to go. Note that the “+” icon can be hidden if you have a lot of servers. Simply scroll down the server column on the left to find where the “+” is hiding.

from discord

The next window that appears will give you two options: “Create” or “Join.” We’re going to choose “Create” so just pretend like “Join” doesn’t even exist (don’t worry if it gets jelly).



2. Adding Server Info

After deciding between doors number one and two, you can enter in the server name, and change the server icon by locating it in your files.


The minimum size for icons is 128×128. If you’d like to select a specific area from a large image, crop it in multiples of 128 (128X2=256, 128X3=384, etc.).


Click “Create” and bada-bing-bada-boom, CONGRATS! You’ve created your first server!
